
Monday, February 9, 2009

Memories - after all: Life is pretty short

I wonder how life will be when I get old? How much will my scrapbooks mean to me? Will I remember the milestones in my kids' life? Will I be able to document our life so good that I won't feel anything is missing in the story?

This LO is in a way a looking glass into the future - I picture myself holding this photo of my youngest son and his father. I just love this photo, it shows how fragile a little baby can be, how protective his father is. It really gives me a warm, heartfelt feeling...

On this LO I've put my own touch to white Prima flowers; perhaps you've noticed that they're not white? Well, I've painted them with H2O shimmering paint, and that really gave them some *oompf* compared to the plain white look. I gave them some shine with a mix of red, orange and yellow H2o which blended very well together in the process - the paint just runs through the fibers in the flowers, never ending up as planned. I like to play a bit with experimentals, and this will for sure not be the last time I "make my own Primas."

6 Creative Comments:

Calv said...

Hi Trine :)

What a great LO! Those flowers are fantastic, much better with the H20's on them.

You make such lovely makes, you and your family will have such a great time looking back through these in years to come.

Carina said...

Vakker Lo. Jeg liker alt du lager og suger til meg av inspirasjon, du er min største inspirasjonskilde helt siden jeg begynnte å scrappe.
Takk for at du deler.

maddy hill said...

I love this l/o , i adore how you have captured your hands holding the picture ! very creative .

love the colours and blooms - tis gorgeous !

linn kr/sykepleier said...

Fin historie rundt LOen. Likte måten du har vinklet det på, det bildet i hendene var flott. Spennende og koselig LO. De oransje blomstene spritet opp LOen uten å ta oppmerksomheten fra bildet. :D

Salte said...

Nyyyyyyydelig Trine! Du er fantastisk når det kommer til perfekte detaljer! Jepp, perfekte detaljer!

Debbie Dolphin said...

this is lovely.its great experimenting with different tecniques isnt it.i love it.The colours on this look fab