
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A busy summer and no scrapping

Finally we're all in place here in Rognan. The past few months have been breathtakingly busy with the exams, finishing our house in Porsgrunn, packing all our belongings and moving to Rognan. There are still a number of boxes to explore and organize, but mainly we've now pretty organized.

In our new house I've got my own scrap room! I'm SO excited! Finally! I've had no such room in 3 years and my scrapping has certainly been suffering from it. Right now my room looks like a war zone and I wonder how the H*** I'm supposed to get things in system? Well, I'm used to work in chaos, so perhaps I should leave it that way.....*giggle* I'll show you some pictures when it looks presentable;)

This LO is the last one I made at Papir i Hjertet before moving from Porsgrunn; I haven't made any since we got up here. This LO also represents how far behind I am in the stack of photos. This picture is from our national day 2008, so I've got more than a year to catch up. On the bright side: I've no lack of scrapping material. By that I mean both pictures and scrapping supplies. (...admitting to a shopping spree no one should know about....)

Lets hope it's not that long 'till next time I've got something to update my blog with! Take care and enjoy the late part of summer! (I'm lucky to stretch the summer holiday 'till 31st august!)

5 Creative Comments:

Ingvild Bolme said...

Åååååh så kjekt å se oppdateringer igjen hos deg Trine! Nydelig LO er det og, som vanlig! Veldig delikat synes jeg, og likte godt at det var en 17. mai LO som ikke er så typisk 17. mai LO *hehe* Lekker!

Og, okey, you asked for it!;

Her kommer en utfordring til deg;
1. Vi går høsten i møte: lag en høst LO med farger av høst, og gjerne med "stormfulle" elementer som løv, dråper osv.
2. Vi er i en tid hvor vines er så pop: lag en egen vine som du etterpå bruker på lo'n! ;-)
3. Slå deg gjerne løs med masse distressing! ;-)

4. Have fun and good luck! ;-)

hehe.. tar du den?

Trine Blix said...

You read my mind!

Jeg har faktisk akkurat bestillt meg utstyr for å lage egne vines, så jeg bare venter på postgangen ;)

Den tar jeg!

Ruth Philps said...

It is a delight to see your work back in blog land...I'm sure you will be busy in your new room....(I wish for one but is the house move worth the effort!!!)

Anonymous said...

Nyydelig LO, virkelig lekker;D
Klem Ida:o)

Anonymous said...

Utrooolig flott LO!♥