Oh, my God! August and September just flew by! I,ve harldy been scrapping at all lately, school eats away all my time. But, actually that's ok since I'm studying arts and crafts this year;)
I made this LO some time ago, it's a photo of the man in my life taken not long after we found each other. I love the expression on his face on it, it represents a lot of what I appreciate in him as a person. The LO is made of a round paper from My little shoebox, a bit of those lovely Prima flower stems and some leafs that has been suffering from dust for a couple of years. Right now the LO is placed on our fire place shelf - and there I intend to keep it for a while.
....take care, I have to dive into some drawing for my next arts and crafts exam;)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Time passes by way too quickly!
Written by Trine Blix kl. 12:56 PM 3 Creative Comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
INCREDIBLE RAK in Ingvild Bolmes blog!
If you are looking for some breathtaking inspiration, you better make a visit in Ingvild Bolmes incredible blog! She's celebrating the 200.000 hit count, and for that occations she shares some of her creativity - she's added some of her work to the most wonderful RAK! She's also picking someone among her followers to get a surprise, so you've got more than one chance;) What do you have to do? Just visit her and leave a comment.... Good luck!
Written by Trine Blix kl. 8:28 AM 2 Creative Comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wedding envelope card
Yesterday someone contacted me wanting a wedding card. I've actually never made more than one wedding card before, and that was pretty simple and plain. These people wanted something a bit more stylish, so I had step up a bit. Unfortunately I didn't have the time (or daylight) to take proper pictures of it, so these photos does not really show allt the details - especially the use of White Bazzil Vintage Vine cardstock. And, with Photoshop installed on a crashed computrer...well, editing possibilities are quite limited at the time. I've seen similar envelope cards on the net, so I've got some inspiration from them.

I made the envelope from scratch, sewing it together with lace around the edges. That was a learning experience - I promise! I've been scared of the sewing machine for years! Whenever I've needed sewing I've tricked someone else into putting the tread where it's supposed to be, and sometimes even had them doing the sewing for me *giggle* This time just about everything went wrong, I had to learn it all alone (without instruction booklet) but I did it in the end! So, from now on I think I'll do a bit more sewing.
Inside I made a single card decorated with Martha Steward lace punch and some hand written text for the bride and groom.

The front of the envelope I chose to keep not too decorated - I wanted the vine cardstock to be decoration enough.
This was very fun to do! I think I'll make some different and smaller versions later, right now I've got some LOs waiting for creation...
Written by Trine Blix kl. 8:50 AM 11 Creative Comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A busy summer and no scrapping
Finally we're all in place here in Rognan. The past few months have been breathtakingly busy with the exams, finishing our house in Porsgrunn, packing all our belongings and moving to Rognan. There are still a number of boxes to explore and organize, but mainly we've now pretty organized.
In our new house I've got my own scrap room! I'm SO excited! Finally! I've had no such room in 3 years and my scrapping has certainly been suffering from it. Right now my room looks like a war zone and I wonder how the H*** I'm supposed to get things in system? Well, I'm used to work in chaos, so perhaps I should leave it that way.....*giggle* I'll show you some pictures when it looks presentable;)
This LO is the last one I made at Papir i Hjertet before moving from Porsgrunn; I haven't made any since we got up here. This LO also represents how far behind I am in the stack of photos. This picture is from our national day 2008, so I've got more than a year to catch up. On the bright side: I've no lack of scrapping material. By that I mean both pictures and scrapping supplies. (...admitting to a shopping spree no one should know about....)
Lets hope it's not that long 'till next time I've got something to update my blog with! Take care and enjoy the late part of summer! (I'm lucky to stretch the summer holiday 'till 31st august!)
Written by Trine Blix kl. 8:32 AM 5 Creative Comments
Etiketter: 12x12
Saturday, June 13, 2009
WoJ blogcandy in Boop's blog!
Cards by Malin aka Boop: PopUp Wedding Card (new WoJ) and a BLOG CANDY!
I¨ve got no time to scrap at the time due to the fact that we're about to move back home up north, but I do have time to tip you about a great blogcandy! Take a look in Boop's blog and find out what it's all about!
By the way - if you're looking for some serious inspiration you should spend some time in her blog and see what she's making - there's more than blogcandy in there, lots of eyecandy, too!
Written by Trine Blix kl. 2:32 PM 26 Creative Comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
My cute little chocolate monster
Last year in may I sat there like a whale on land waiting for the arrival of this little guy. I can't believe that it has been almost a year since his birth! He has gone from being a little baby that was only eating, sleeping and crying to a wild. little toddler that climbs the sofa, says "Mamma", argues with his brother, throws toys around and moved like a twirl around the house - he has even set his eyes on the stairs. Where did the time go? I guess the time flew by while I was way too busy combining my life as a mother and full time student. I bet he'll grow a beard before I know it...
I love this picture - it truly show his character. (and his oversized teeth - lol) I'm looking SO forward 'till I'm able to scrap this photo! That's pretty much how it is at the time - plenty of photos, but no time for scrapping. Oh, my creative soul is hurting........ But just wait: After my exams and the process of moving back home to the north I'll be back in business! But for now......I have to dive into my books again - exam coming up tomorow.
Written by Trine Blix kl. 11:17 AM 3 Creative Comments
Etiketter: baby, Family Photos
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Oh, no... The Delete Devil has struck!
Sorry the bad language, but sometimes it's needed! A few days ago I tried to fix the labels on my blog posts, and guess what happened? The delete devil struck and now all my altered project are gone. *sigh* I didn't even know what I had done until I got a mail from a friend (thank you) who wondered where my altered brick was - she couldn't find it anywhere. Well, here it is:
At the moment I've no idea what's actually gone from my blog, but if anyone is looking for something special just let me know and I'll put it in a new post.
Written by Trine Blix kl. 8:42 PM 4 Creative Comments
Etiketter: Altered projects, baby
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The best big brother in the world
I love this portrait of my oldest son! He has such a warm, caring expression on his face - and that very much describes him in the role of being a big brother. He's very caring when it comes to his four year younger brother - he's more than willing to play with him and keep an eye on him. He's overall a very caring person, being a little brother himself and as a son, too.
I wanted to scrap this picture with a rough, but warm look. Even though he's a caring, little boy he's also very much a boy, so something sugar sweet would be totally wrong. A mix of box carton, tulle, screws, swirls, metal, hearts and a distressed paper gave a great blend og soft and rough - both in the look and in the symbolic contence of the LO. When finishing the LO I realized that I had fell into my old habit of scrapping in brown - a habit that I fought for some time to get rid of - but who cares after all....I like brown;)
I also gave myself a challenge with this LO: I hate felt - therefore I had to use it! I don't know why I hate felt - some people love it - I just do. Don't like the look or feel of it. The title is made of some MM felt alphabet that I just had to alter a bit with inks and paint - and it ended up looking not quite so "feltish."
Written by Trine Blix kl. 6:31 PM 6 Creative Comments
Etiketter: Lettersize
Monday, April 13, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
A tender little sleeping beauty
Don't you agree that there is something heartwarming and truly special about babies asleep? I just love this photo, and I spent quite some time deciding how to scrap it - the thing that troubled me the most was which colors to use. The photo is originally taken in colors, but I wanted a tender, innocent look to the LO, so I went black/white. The photo was taken during a period that Jarle was sick, and this was his very first peaceful sleep in weeks due to severe intestant infection. From this day on everything became better.
I wanted to express both innocence and love, so I decided to go with white as my main color and then use red as contrast. I'm quite happy with the result of that. I also added some light blue glimmer mist to the background - unfortunately that doesn't show much in the photo.
This LO is not meant for any album. It's mounted on solid cardboard ready to hang up on the wall. I plan to do similar LO's of all mye kids for display - but that has to be in time. First of all I have to fix digital photos of the two eldest kids, then I have to find the time to do it. *sigh*
Written by Trine Blix kl. 5:50 PM 6 Creative Comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The ink > redible Rotty Rat Fanclub
Ok - I can't help my self.... I LOVE ROTTY RAT! There - it's said.
If you for some reason never have heard about Rotty Rat : You've been missing out on something. I won't even try to explain - Calvs blog tells the whole story.
I'm often visiting Calvs blog to check out what Rotty (and Calvin) have been up to lately, and today it struck me: Rotty has no Fanclub!!! Well - now he does. And I present myself as the first member and no. 1 fan!
Well - to be honest: I haven't asked Calv about this, but I'm pretty sure that Rotty will blow up his ego and sabotage any attempt to close down his fanclub. Don't you think?
Written by Trine Blix kl. 4:06 PM 3 Creative Comments
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Busy days - barely any scrapping

Written by Trine Blix kl. 11:49 AM 3 Creative Comments
Etiketter: 12x12, baby, Lettersize, Round LO
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Don't you love a wonderful blog candy?
Filharmonica has a wonderful blog candy in her blog! Pay her a visit to see how it works - and while you're at it: Spend some time in there and take a look at her artwork, it's more than worth it. Can you ever get enough inspiration?
Written by Trine Blix kl. 11:57 PM 2 Creative Comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Memories - after all: Life is pretty short
I wonder how life will be when I get old? How much will my scrapbooks mean to me? Will I remember the milestones in my kids' life? Will I be able to document our life so good that I won't feel anything is missing in the story?
This LO is in a way a looking glass into the future - I picture myself holding this photo of my youngest son and his father. I just love this photo, it shows how fragile a little baby can be, how protective his father is. It really gives me a warm, heartfelt feeling...
On this LO I've put my own touch to white Prima flowers; perhaps you've noticed that they're not white? Well, I've painted them with H2O shimmering paint, and that really gave them some *oompf* compared to the plain white look. I gave them some shine with a mix of red, orange and yellow H2o which blended very well together in the process - the paint just runs through the fibers in the flowers, never ending up as planned. I like to play a bit with experimentals, and this will for sure not be the last time I "make my own Primas."
Written by Trine Blix kl. 1:20 AM 6 Creative Comments
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Fixing the look of my blog - among other things...
Ok, I think my blog has had the look of a deep black dungeon, så I thought it was time for some change.... I don't know if it's the upcoming valetines day or any hidden romantic venture that has affected me, but somehow I ended up with a candy-cute heart look. So not typical me.
That's not all I've been up to lately. I hardly have time (or energy) to scrap much these days, but something has seen the day of light anyway. I attended the "Mesterscrappen" on scrapping.no with hope to get a kick in my scrapbooking ass, but I guess it'll just be a stressful "Oh, why did I join this??!!"-kind of thing, but at least it made me scrap something!
This LO is of my youngest son, born in june 2008. These are the very first pictures that was taken of him - while I was resting after the c-section. The pictures are taken by his dad, just 9 minutes after he came into this world. It was truly a happy time when he finally came out after a lot of stress and a bit of agony. He almost died during labour due to the fact that he had the cord wrapped 5 (!) times around his neck.
Perhaps it's not that clear on this photo, but I've written all his vital measures on the photos. He was so thin, very affected by the lack of nourishment due to the thightly wrapped cord. This is a LO loaded with emotions, and I guess it is to his father, too. He sat there alone just seconds after these photos, not quite understanding how lucky we were and just starting to take in the emotional rollercoaster we'd just been through. I'm very thankful for the outcome.
Written by Trine Blix kl. 11:11 PM 1 Creative Comments
Etiketter: baby, Lettersize